First of all, I have to thank Marianne for her tip on what to feed Ladybugs this time of year. We've been inundated by the little buggies. I rescued one at work and gave it a raisen. It was all over that! I'll probably go into work this morning and find fifteen ladybugs on my desk.
For the past few days I've been fixated on finding pictures for a trailer for Sweet Forever. Not an easy task, or a cheap one. My DH is all set to put something together as soon as I get a storyboard put together. I think I may have everything I need just have to piece it together. I'm going to be so excited to see my first trailer out there.
Yesterday was sensory overload. DH was home from work, DD was working on a homework project, had to go to the library with the younguns and then pizza. Oh, and I had to list some goodies on Ebay. And look for pictures for my trailer. Today.... it'll be quieter today. I'll gather what I need for the trailer, leave it on DH's desk for him to work on Wednesday and get back to editing.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ TO CELEBRATE NATIONAL SMALL PRESS MONTH DIANE CRAVER IS INTERVIEWING AUTHORS! Today she talks to Marianne Arkins. Now this interview isn't to be missed. She's always fun! :) Labels: author interviews, book trailers, Ebay, kids galore |
Oh the pressure... what if I'm NOT fun? *G*
LOL on the ladybugs...
Have a great day.