There are 20 days left of NaNo. I'm psyched. I really want to finish my 50k THIS week. I've got so many ideas for this story, it could go on longer, but I think when I reach my goal I'll get back to some old projects.
Well, I got shot down by Agent #2. She wasn't excited enough about the premise of my story. Gack. Okay, so I need to do a complete rewrite of my query and synopsis and try try again. It's okay. I was bummed at first, but now I lo0k at it as a challenge. Maybe I need some other stories under my belt, some other published stories under my belt first. Easier said than done. I hate to think that I worked so long on Dreamer's Sea and not have it see the light of day.
It's okay.
I was able to get lots of writing done yesterday, went over my goal of 25K even when I had to do laundry, grocery shop, oh, and DH was home sick. He got a flu shot on Thursday and immediately got the flu. Does this make sense??
Kids are home from school today for Veterans Day but I must go to work. Early if I can. It's nice to have a peaceful morning. And I don't have to do dishes. Double bonus. Word count-26889. So that leaves 23111 words left. 1156 words per day. Hey, it's getting easier. Knock on wood..... Labels: Agent response., Nano word count, Veterans Day |
You're doing great on your word count plus you did so many other things yesterday. You want an agent enthusiastic about Dreamer's Sea - you'll get an agent. Don't give up. This is such a hard business.
Sorry about your hubby being ill. My sister got sick once after she got a flu shot. Hope he feels better soon.