Call me paranoid, but I think the Patriots lost last night because I watched the game. Which is why I should never watch important football games. Ever. It was extremely frustrating. And I'm not really a football fan. ************************
So, sorry guys. There's always next year.
I spent yesterday driving up north again to visit my FIL who's still in the hospital. No news on when he'll be home. Maybe by next weekend. When we got home I started making banners for Finally Home and Sweet Forever. I didn't get too far. I'm not good at that stuff. But it's not a complete loss. But the only writing I got done was some on Saturday. Getting closer to the end! I'll be dancing with joy when it's finally finished. And I'm talking about the first draft. *
Then will come the tedious part of editing and sending it to the crit group and editing before I can finally look for an agent. *
All right, I'm going to try to focus on some writing although it's only 4:41am. Labels: Dreamers Sea, Patriots |
LOL... I just commented on the Super Bowl on my blog post (see, you visited just a smidge too early).
Glad to hear Dreamers Sea is about done!!! YAY.