And so it begins. You would think an extra 2 hours of work wouldn't be a big deal, but I felt it yesterday. I eyed the clock when I used to leave and just wanted to escape. But I made it through a long day. Then I had to do laundry, so I didn't get to settle down until after 6pm.
Today should be easier. I mean, I only have to pay some bills and pick up some groceries. Maybe I have to pick up a child from an activity, not sure.
I'd make a lousy soccer mom.
Anyway, I've started writing my Forever Home synopsis. I'm grateful there's no page limit on it. As long as it's over 2 pages. No problemo. I'm up to 5 pages. Then I'm going to submit it to Samhain. I think that's an appropriate place since it's a sequel to Sweet Forever. Right or wrong, I'm including this in my dialy word count. I've put aside my other wip for now (even though that one is almost done) in favor of getting FH ready to go.
Another storm pulling in tomorrow night. Gee... I was missing snow and sleet. It's been nearly 2 weeks since I've seen either.Labels: Forever Home, Sweet Forever, synopsis writing |
Yep... get that sucker submitted ASAP. One error many authors make is not keeping things in constant submission.
BTW, that's one reason I write short stuff -- it keeps my name out there in front of people in between long stuff. If people forget about you between books, you have to work twice as hard to sell again.