But I've had a very busy week. It was actually the first week of the kids' summer vacation. I took advantage of the fact that I didn't have to get them up early and went into work an half an hour early every morning. It's starting to get busy at work, one of my busiest times of the year, so I'm trying to keep ahead of the rush. Also we've been waiting for a last minute notification that we'll have to head down to Boston to the airport for my stepdaughter's flight down to her mom. Oh, what a joy. After 2 false alarms, I think we FINALLY have our date, July 4th. Of course we'll have to leave home around 3am. The flight leaves at 530am. The only two good things are that we'll miss the traffic and I don't have to work Friday so I'll be able to go back to bed when we get home. Unless the biomom yanks us around (again). Sorry, I won't go there.Oh, yeah. Our rent is about to go up. Again. Thanks to the cost of heating oil. I'm seriously thinking it's time to buy a house. We're paying more in rent than we could in a mortgage. We just have to buckle down and stop the spending on the unnecessaries.
____________________________________________________________ In other news, I've gotten a lot of editing done on Dreamer's Sea, which is good. I'm worried about my heroine, that she's going to be too wishy washy over her feelings for the hero. I've also been looking at agents, think I have a few picked out. Do I dare query an agent before I have the entire manuscript edited? I have the first three chapters pretty clean, but the majority isn't. If I work real hard I'm sure I can have it done in a few months which may be just fine if it takes a few months to hear back from a query. I really just want to get the ball rolling. Motivation, maybe? ___________________________________________________________ Borrowed from Marianne's Blog: What am I reading: The White Mare's Daughter by Judith Tarr. It's a "historical fantasy" set (I believe) in Europe around 4500BC. It's a long, but really good book, although it took me about 3 starts to really get into it. What I'm writing: Basically just concentrating on my edits of Dreamer's Sea although when I can't do that I've been writing bits and pieces of my sequel to Sweet Forever. Oh, and I've got another story idea in mind and that just drives me crazy because I have MORE than enough to work on!! But still, I've been jotting down notes because I'd hate to lose the idea. ___________________________________________________________ In case I don't get a chance to post again this week, HAPPY 4TH OF JULY ALL!!!!!!
I'm pleased to announce that Amy S is the winner of a signed copy of Where One Road Leads. Thanks to everyone who went over and checked out my webpage. It has a long way to go. Unfortunate I'm not good at doing those pages so I have to rely on my husband to get things going on the site. Which means he has to wait for me to get updates and such. I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend. Tomorrow I'm planning on an editing frenzy. I hope it pans out.
Yes, I said I was going to have a contest and here it is!
I'm giving away a free autographed copy of Where One Road Leads and it couldn't be easier to win. All you need to do is to go to my new website It's All About The Romance, check it out and leave a message in my guestbook and you'll be entered to win. I'll announce the winner on Saturday. So go on and enter!
I'm very pleased to announce that my three chapters of That Kind Of Magic is off and away to Canada. Now I have to wait, but I've already plunged back into editing of Dreamer's Sea. Did I mention how much I hate editing? I submitted several chapters to my crit group before taking a break and working on TKOM. I don't know if I should pick up where I left off and send more in or go it alone. I love the input from the group, but it's such a loooong project and with the length of this particular manuscript I'd be submitting chapters for months. If I go it on my own I may miss areas that need fixing, but I could get through it faster. Then again, I may be able to do just fine on our own.
There's not much on tv these days. That's great for my writing but I'm very sad. We lost a completely awesome show this past week thanks to the poor treatment by ABC (long hiatuses while bad shows were playing, being moved from time slot to time slot 6 times in 2 seasons.... the writers strike). Men In Trees was still awesome and had such a loyal following and now we're all sad. I wish the cast well and thank them for some of the best tv on tv. I'll miss Elmo and all the Elmoians.
Here's one of my favorite videos from the show. Jack and Marin are awesome and Jack 9aka James Tupper)is so handsome. He's my model for my hero in Dreamer's Sea.
Now I have to get back to editing. Remember to get on over to my website and leave a comment and you may win an autographed copy of Where One Road Leads!
I have to say congrats to The Long And The Short Of It for their relaunching of their fabulous review site, including their erotic review site Whipped Cream Erotic Romance Reviews. And they put Where One Road Leads on the site. Thanks so much ladies! I think we're returning to normal here at the Hebert household. Even though we're in the grip of a heat wave, I'm at least getting my work done. My husband went back to work last night though he's only on light duty and if things don't look good with his arm on Friday they may put him in a cast. Not too much fun, but I have my house back in the evenings. I love my DH but during the 12 years we've been married he's always worked nights and I've been spoiled by our schedule. I have more chances to get my work done. As for me I had some minor surgery (really minor, only took 15 minutes from start to finish) last week that has left me with stitches and a headache on a daily basis. But at least I have everything ready to be printed to be sent off to Harlequin. I'm pretty excited! I hope they like it. What a tremendous step it would be to be published by Harlequin, one of the goals in my life. School is almost over, just two more weeks. I think I'm actually happy, I don't have to get them up early. I'm going to get a contest together for Where One Road Leads starting next Monday. And I'm pleased to say there's a limited number of copies that can be purchased through my website It's All About The Romance. So far just Sweet Forever and WORL are available. I hope to have copies of Finally Home soon. Well, it's nice to be back!
Alright, I'm already sick of this week. Just thinking of what needs to be done this week, makes me want to hit a fast forward button and get it over with. I'm taking yet another day off on Saturday. We were going to Six Flags but it's supposed to be in the 90's and neither my DH or I want to be outside at an amusement park in that sweltering heat. So we're going to do a movie instead. Amid all the distraction, I managed to get the new synopsis finished. Just have to go in and polish it. I have my three chapters cleaned up so this week I should be able to get it sent out (if I can find another international reply coupon) and let the 5 months begin! Then I can turn my attention back to Dreamer's Sea. That is if I can concentrate. My husband injured himself at work last week, did something to his wrist so he's out of work for a bit. I hope it's a quick thing because even though it falls under workers comp his company doesn't pay him for missed time until after he misses 5 days. That's a long time to go without a paycheck. Besides, things get crazy when he's home. Well, off I go.
What's a witch to do when she refuses to use magic to find love? Beautiful Wiccan Charlotte Noone has a shop for magical supplies and a goddess who's pushing her to find the man of her dreams. When Patrick Riordan, a straight-laced non-believer enters her life, Charlotte falls madly in lust with him. Despite their very different lives, neither can stop the erotic journey they’ve embarked on, but will it be enough to break through their barriers so they can accept that love itself is magical?.
Location: Southwestern, New Hampshire, United States
I'm 44 year old mom of 3. I work as a customer service rep for a publishing company, and I write. I have five published novels and working on adding to that.