So I thought I'd come out of hiding and post today. I really didn't realize that it's been so long since my last post. Whatever is wrong with me?!?!
Anyway, in the past few days I've had some movement in my writing career. Is it good or bad? Well, nearly any writing movement is good.
First of all, I need to announce that WHERE ONE ROAD LEADS is being released in print today. I was supposed to have started a contest for a free autographed copy, but I was away from home all weekend so I haven't organized anything yet. But it will be forthcoming.
My sister is out for a visit. She and my mom were at the airport picking up her mother in law and they stopped in the airport Borders to see if they carried my book. Well, it wasn't on the shelf but they were very excited when the cashier was able to pull it up on the computer LOL. Now if they'd only put it on the shelf. My sister's MIL was so excited to meet an actual author. She's is such a hoot.
This past weekend we went camping. No tent for us. We rented a cabin at a campground. It was actually fun. A little cold at night, but that's okay. We want to do it again next year. The kids had a blast. It was a very family oriented place. Kids galore! But I'm glad to be home and clean.
Oh, and one more piece of news. This weekend I stopped to check my mail.
The ENVELOPE from Harlequin was there.
I figured it couldn't be good news since it came back so fast. After all, generally it takes well over a month and it's only been about 3 weeks. So I repeated over and over that it would be a rejection.
Well, they want to see a more complete synopsis AND the first 3 chapters of That Kind of Magic!! I'm shocked and amazed and excited!!!
So today, after my meetings and I gather children, I'll be working on that synopsis.
They did tell me it would take 5 months to hear back from them. Okay, at least I have a time frame.
Bad Books, New Books, and Have You Seen This Muse?
Well, I "finished" the Danielle Steele book. Actually I skipped a huge hunk of it. And probably didn't miss much. When I read a romance, I want some romance (okay, maybe DS's books aren't exactly romance. But....) Get this.... the hero disappears, walks out on the heroine somewhere around page 220. He finally comes back (after she's spent months and months looking for him-something I wouldn't do if some guy got mad and deserted me) around page 458 for the last 10 or so pages of the book. And as typical (I guess) of a DS book there was lots of death and personal injury.
So, I'm on to a better book. Either another Nora book or I was thinking of starting Outlander again. I was checking out You Tube and I found some videos from people who want the book made into a movie. They put bits and pieces from other movies together and most videos cast Gerard Butler as Jamie. Now that I'd watch!! I'd post one, but there's no code on the one I like best. I'm on a Gerard Butler kick. I watched PS I Love You the other day. What an AWESOME movie!!! I love when he sings.
And I've lost my muse. I don't know why. Maybe there's too much going on right now, but I haven't been able to get anything done. I'm just stuck. I've rewritten the beginning of Dreamer's Sea, but haven't changed too much. But I think it'll lead me to adding more of a paranormal element to it. Oh, will I ever get it done?
And I'm trying not to think of the query and synopsis for That Kind Of Magic. It's too soon to hear from them.
AND I'm taking 4 days off from work. Today I'm off for a girl's day out with my mom.
Oh, what the heck, I'm going to post a scene from PS I Love You. The song is stuck in my head.
I spent my day painting at my mom's house. I hurt. I was responsible for the trim and I've discovered that sitting on the floor for any length of time really doesn't feel great. We need to do another coat I think. Oh, and get ready for the yard sale next Saturday. And shop for a dress for DD's school concert this week. I'm going nuts later this week and taking 4 days off from work. Crazy!! I can't wait! I'm pretty psyched. I haven't posted in a while so I haven't been able to share the news that my author copies of Where One Road Leads came in this week. I was SO EXCITED!! They look awesome! And Marianne and Judy, just wanted to let you know that they put your review in it along with Mrs. Giggles, so it looks like Samhain is giving LASR some exposure! And the cherry on top was that I found Sweet Fover on the shelves of my local bookstore. In at least 2 different spots. Nice to see my name up there with all the top names in writing. I'm very excited. I just wish the local Borders would carry it. So, if anyone out there goes to a Borders or Barnes and Noble can you check to see if I'm there?
Life has been pretty stressful over here in the Hebert household. I won't go into details except to say that I haven't been able to concentrate on writing for the last few days. I have been able to look over other wips that I've started and put aside though (sometimes I like to check in with old projects to see if there's anything worth keeping, to see if anything sparks my interest). I think I've mentioned that I have a story that I started working on, oh, probably 17 years ago. A fantasy. It's a very ambitious project that I would love to complete because I love a good fantasy. But this project would be very time consuming, bigger than any project I've taken on before. Now my question (or questions). Is it a smart idea to write outside your comfort zone? I write contemporary romances. I think I do a pretty good job at it. So should I put it aside to start on a completely new genre? And is it even a good idea for a new writer, who's trying to establish a fan base, to wander away from the genre she's writing in to try something new, or is this something that should be put off to a later date. Not that I'm ready to jump into it today. I still have to polish up That Kind Of Magic, edit Dreamer's Sea (with it's new beginning) and write the sequel to Sweet Forever. Then I can decide. The 5th season in New Hampshire has begun. Black Fly season has officially started. They come straight from the bowels of Hell. I'm sure of it. Soon they'll be joined by mosquitos. I love spring in New Hampshire.
....many more to go. Yesterday I FINALLY found a post office that carried international reply coupons. And it took nearly 15 minutes for them to figure out how to sell them because they weren't even in their computer system. Apparently no one in the world uses IRCs. But me. So, the good news is that my query and synopsis is off to Canada as we "speak". Let's see how long it'll be before I hear back from the editor up there. Now I can move on to my next issue. Rewriting the first several pages of Dreamer's Sea so it'll start with a bang instead of working up to it. I don' t do much reading anymore but I decided to read Danielle Steele-"Palomino". I've never ever read any of her books before. I'm sorry Ms Steele, but honestly, I'm not impressed thus far. I have all the respect in the world for a writer who can be as prolific and popular as she is, but I'm just trying to figure out how she made it to where she is. Now, I haven't gotten too far into the book, so maybe I'll find out soon, but honestly, as a writer (one who is pretty much an unknown) I don't get how she gets away with what she gets away with. If I wrote some of the stuff she did and presented it to my crit group I'd get LOTS of comments. I adore Nora R. and I know that she does the head hopping thing with unabashed glee, but she does it well. With DS there's so much description it just bogs the story down. And I thought I had a lot of description in mine!! Okay, that was my rant. Now I have to think about what to do with Dreamer's Sea.
Well, after thinking about it for a few days I think I'm going to have to rewrite at least the first 5 or so pages of Dreamer's Sea. I'm kind of bummed out about it, but seriously, those first pages are a little slow. Generally, with my shorter manuscripts, I jump right into the center of things, but I thought I'd give myself a more gradual build up. So I have a feeling I'm going to be looking at a blank screen for a while. But I'll push past it. I always do. I'm still sitting on my Harlequin query and synopsis. I'm nearly to the point where I'll look for a US based publisher just to avoid having to find an international reply coupon. Maybe Kensington would be interested. They apparently work with Samhain as well, so maybe the association would help me out, get my foot in the door. But there's something about being published by Harlequin. It was something I really wanted when I started writing. Everyone has heard of Harlequin, afterall. But maybe it's time to look in a new direction. Broaden my horizons. Look at all the possibilities. I'm also rethinking the fantasy I started eons ago. I've wanted to write this one for, oh, 17 years or so. Maybe, once I get a few other projects finished, it'll be time to sink myself into it for real. Yikes, time to get ready for work. But it's been so slow there. At least I can think about writing.
Location: Southwestern, New Hampshire, United States
I'm 44 year old mom of 3. I work as a customer service rep for a publishing company, and I write. I have five published novels and working on adding to that.
What's a witch to do when she refuses to use magic to find love? Beautiful Wiccan Charlotte Noone has a shop for magical supplies and a goddess who's pushing her to find the man of her dreams. When Patrick Riordan, a straight-laced non-believer enters her life, Charlotte falls madly in lust with him. Despite their very different lives, neither can stop the erotic journey they’ve embarked on, but will it be enough to break through their barriers so they can accept that love itself is magical?.