Friday, March 28, 2008
Oh, You Gotta Be Kidding Me
Snow. More snow. Enough snow to possibly break our all time snowfall record. I believe it.

Enough snow so school is canceled today. The kids won't be pleased. Yes, I said that. Two of them have after school things going on and my oldest is just crazy about school. There's no place she'd rather be.

Got some more editing done on my HQ Blaze and have just added back in a very steamy Blaze-worthy scene but it's put me over the maximum word count so I'm going to have to do some trimming. Not as much as Dreamer's Sea, but enough. I just have to remind myself not to add anymore unless I take some away. I'm glad I've made some progress.

I've been looking for pictures for my book trailer and have been having problems finding someone to represent Ben, my hero from Sweet Forever. I wonder if George Canyon would let me use a picture of him. He's the model for he character and there is no substitute. It'll be the same when it comes time for a trailer for Dreamer's Sea (I'm staying positive). I'll need James Tupper for that role. He (physically) is Jonas.

A reminder! There are still two more days of author interviews over at
Diane Craver's blog. Yesterday she interviewed Allie Boniface, today she talks to Diana Castilleja and tomorrow it'll be me.

Got some videos. Can't resist George Canyon...

Or James Tupper... aka Jack (and Marin too)

There, that's better....

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posted by Ceri Hebert @ 2:11 AM   2 comments
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Tendonitis Bites
Seriously. I'm starting shots on Monday. I can't wait and I'm hoping that relief will be quick. Not that I love going to work every day, but at the moment facing a day of typing makes me want to weep. And then I have to come home and write. Owie.

Okay, enough of my whining.

Now get over to Diane Craver's blog for more author interviews. No, that's not an order, just a suggestion.

I'm keeping this short because I don't want to overuse my arm when I have a long, fun filled day of data entry ahead of me, followed by, I hope, hours of the kind of writing that I almost enjoy (editing, that is.....well, it's better than data entry).

And if anyone has any suggestions of jobs that I wouldn't be required to use my right arm, please pass them along.


I need a little inspiration... How about a little Tim Daly this morning in honor of him being my model in my current story.

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posted by Ceri Hebert @ 2:34 AM   2 comments
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Book Trailer Revisited
First of all, I have to thank Marianne for her tip on what to feed Ladybugs this time of year. We've been inundated by the little buggies. I rescued one at work and gave it a raisen. It was all over that! I'll probably go into work this morning and find fifteen ladybugs on my desk.

For the past few days I've been fixated on finding pictures for a trailer for Sweet Forever. Not an easy task, or a cheap one. My DH is all set to put something together as soon as I get a storyboard put together. I think I may have everything I need just have to piece it together. I'm going to be so excited to see my first trailer out there.

Yesterday was sensory overload. DH was home from work, DD was working on a homework project, had to go to the library with the younguns and then pizza. Oh, and I had to list some goodies on Ebay. And look for pictures for my trailer. Today.... it'll be quieter today. I'll gather what I need for the trailer, leave it on DH's desk for him to work on Wednesday and get back to editing.
TO CELEBRATE NATIONAL SMALL PRESS MONTH DIANE CRAVER IS INTERVIEWING AUTHORS! Today she talks to Marianne Arkins. Now this interview isn't to be missed. She's always fun! :)

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posted by Ceri Hebert @ 2:42 AM   2 comments
Monday, March 24, 2008
Happy Belated Easter and Blog News
I wasn't able to post yesterday, but I hope everyone had a very Happy Easter. Ours was very pleasant. I actually had 3 whole days off. I'm always amazed at how fast days off go while the work week drags by with a kind of sadistic lack of speed.

Celtic Woman was absolutely astounding. What beautiful singers those women are. And the fiddle playing and drumming was unbelievable. Not to mention the stage and lighting. Breathtaking. Now I have to get their cd. Of course we got horribly lost getting too and going home from the "big city". My mom and I couldn't drive around the block without getting lost. Even with a GPS we couldn't make it. One of these days we're just going to have to realize that we can't go anywhere without having someone with us. At least we had a good laugh over it and we got to the arena in plenty of time to enjoy a drink that was priced so high that it should be illegal. But again, it was worth it.

No writing done this weekend. At all. But I was actually going through last years NaNo in my brain. Never mind about the other 3 manuscripts I have on deck before it. Could I concentrate on those?? No. I want to have a normal, quiet day at home today but I'm supposed to go to the doctors for my first shot to help my elbow. I'm considering postponing it for a few days. Not out of fear, but out of the need to just stay home and write.

Today she's interviewing Denise Patrick. She's got a whole week of wonderful authors, including me on Saturday. Go check it out!
Now I'm off to see what I can do about my editing.

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posted by Ceri Hebert @ 1:46 AM   2 comments
Friday, March 21, 2008
Contests and Interviews and Other Stuff

Here's a reminder... Marianne is running a contest to win either my book, Sweet Forever, or Diane Craver's book over at her website

And speaking of Diane Craver, starting Monday March 24th over at her blog to celebrate 2008 National Small Press Month. She'll be doing author interviews all week, including moi on Saturday. I'm so honored to be included amongst these other Samhain and The Wild Rose Press authors.
On the homefront, I've really been neglecting my writing this week. There are a lot of personal stuff going on that is just sucking the energy right out of me. I'm pleased that I have the next 3 days off and I'm going to be going to see Celtic Woman tonight. That will be a nice break from things at least for a few hours.

Here's a sample...

Well, there's laundry to be done and dishes to be washed. Wait... did I say I was taking the day off? well, not from that stuff.

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posted by Ceri Hebert @ 3:16 AM   3 comments
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
How can I not mention this? There's a contest over at a Marianne's blog . Go check it out! She's giving away one of my books. Thanks Marianne!

*sigh* I didn't get any writing done yesterday. In fact my normal routine was shot to heck. Too many sick people in the house, including my husband. I forgot to do laundry yesterday and I forgot to go to the conference I had with my son's teacher. I feel horrible. It wasn't a mandatory thing but still, I like to keep in touch with her.

And today the weather is supposed to be messy. I just want to get back to normal. Please?

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posted by Ceri Hebert @ 1:46 AM   2 comments
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Can We Say Glamor Shots?

Or is that Glamour Shots? And are they even around anymore? All I can say is that I need some serious help. I can't be sending this photo out....

No way. It's just too horrible for words.

So, need to find someone to take a really good picture of me. Because this is scaring me.

Sorry, just had to say that.


posted by Ceri Hebert @ 1:40 PM   2 comments
Taking The Leap
This morning I applied for a First Time Homebuyers loan. We've lived in the same apartment for the past 8 years. And before that we lived in an apartment. And before that... well you get the picture. I'm ready for my own home. We're outgrowing our living space and it's no fun dealing with the parking (though neighbors from heck are gone and the new ones are a dream thus far). I just want to pay for a place knowing that some day it could be mine all mine. Have one in mind (though it looks like it's going to need lots of work-as long as it's just cosmetic work and nothing is majorly wrong with it, I'm not afraid) and it's still in the town I'm in now and it's just a few doors down from the town playground/pool/rec center so the kids will have easy access to it. Just have to get prequalified.

I feel like I've stepped off a cliff and I'll either fall onto fluffy pillows or land on jagged razor sharp rocks.

I started (or restarted) edits for That Kind Of Magic, my Blaze hopeful. I'm not having a good time with it. I have to take a scene and break it up so it happens over the course of several nights instead of just one and it's not easy. But I'll keep trying. I really like the story and it has lots of potential, just have to concentrate on it. I'm looking forward to sending it off to the big bad world. If I had guts I'd send a query now for it, but I've done that before, queried before the manuscript was finished and surprise surprise, got a request for a full. Not a good idea. I had to rush through it and it looked rushed.

Okay, today... a love song.

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posted by Ceri Hebert @ 2:55 AM   2 comments
Friday, March 14, 2008
So Much To Write...
And not enough time to do it.

I've been trying to get through my edits but haven't even finished with chapter one yet. Man, this is going to be one long job. I need an entire day of just this. I'm very eager to move onto the next project, find an agent and edit another first draft I have. I believe I have an awesome Harlequin Blaze that needs TLC. But it's third on my list with the chance of being bumped if I find another project I want to work on.

I need three of me.

My name is evidently getting around town. A coworker does a lot with the PTA and they're organizing a silent auction. She got an email of potential donors of items and my name was on it. But they want kids books, not steamy romances. Still.... it's kind of cool that I'm on someone's mind.

I was going to find a really good video to post but I have dishes to do.

So much for editing.


posted by Ceri Hebert @ 1:58 AM   2 comments
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
God Laughs
at plans. Well, he must be having a heck of a belly buster at my expense.

I've hardly done any editing on Dreamer's Sea AT ALL. It's very sad. I want to get it done but by evening I'm just beat and I have the attention span of a goldfish. Maybe I should be doing my editing in the morning and new writing in the evening..... well, there I go.. making plans again.

Truth is I'm having much better luck writing the new stuff. I've got pages and pages handwritten just waiting to be transfered over to Word. I have the story on my brain, figuring out different angles, different paths to take. I love the story, I love the characters. But I love the DS characters too. But they're not new anymore.

So anyone have any tips to get focused on the work that NEEDS TO BE DONE? Besides moving into an apartment of my own with no other humans within 5 miles. Or more. Does anyone have a copy of Nora Roberts' bank statement? Maybe that would be motivation enough.

Okay, lets see what we can find to entertain us.....

Found some... from one of the best tv shows EV-ER!

And one more?

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posted by Ceri Hebert @ 4:56 PM   3 comments
Sunday, March 9, 2008
Yeah, great....
Normally my DH wouldn't see my blog. There's nothing of interest to him. No biggie. But he's become my webmaster and I asked him to put my book covers on my blog.

So, now he knows I'm in lust with James Tupper.

Oh well, he has a thing for Daisy Fuentes so I guess we're even.

I'm just glad that he's been working so hard on my
website. Still have a long way to go but it's getting more and more professional looking. Thank goodness he has a clue about how to do it because I'd still be stuck with a blank page.

Anyway, got some writing/editing done over the weekend. Never enough though, but I tend to do better during the week. So pray for me.

And now for a little Blake Shelton.

posted by Ceri Hebert @ 5:39 PM   1 comments
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
A Plan.... for now
I'm trying to come up with a writing plan. I've been doing a lot of handwriting of my sequel to Sweet Forever, pages of notebook, when I've been hanging out in the van waiting for some person or another. I think (for today) that I'll dedicate my mornings to writing this story and the afternoons and evening will be dedicated to edits of Dreamer's Sea.

Sounds fair, I think. I don't want to lose the thoughts I have on my sequel.

Let's see how long that works. Of course with the way my arm has been hurting I may lose all use of my right hand before I see either of these published. I'm kidding. Sort of.

And because it's Wednesday and we know what Wednesday brings....a new Men In Trees episode, I'm going to post this awesome video.

Can you tell I'm in lust with James Tupper? Lucky Anne Heche. She not only gets to kiss him on the set of the show but she gets to go home with him at the end of the day. Here's my Daily Inspiration...

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posted by Ceri Hebert @ 1:58 AM   1 comments
Monday, March 3, 2008
Had To Do It
I didn't put up a Daily Inspiration this morning because I was running short on time.

But here he is... the model for my hero from Dreamer's Sea, Jonas (aka James Tupper aka Jack Slattery from Men In Trees).


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posted by Ceri Hebert @ 3:35 PM   1 comments
Monday Morning Blues
Did I have a day off or was it just my imagination? Because I don't think I had a day off.

The trip to Boston went without any major headaches. We had to do a little "Boston" driving though... meaning we had to make a last minute lane change that I wouldn't normally do in the quiet roads up north, but the guy in the Beemer behind us didn't seem to care. There was lots and lots of traffic, but we returned to New Hampshire unscathed and celebrated by eating lots of good Chinese food.

We have news on my father in law. He should be home Tuesday. Apparently all he needed was to have his meds adjusted. He's a diabetic and with everything else that's going on, they were making him ill. So he's on the road to recovery again. Big relief!

Kids are back in school this week. I'm down one until tomorrow afternoon. My oldest is up running around in snowshoes in Waterville Valley, NH competing in the NH Special Olympic winter games. GOOD LUCK PAIGE!!

So, life returns to normal here in the Hebert household.

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posted by Ceri Hebert @ 1:58 AM   3 comments
Sunday, March 2, 2008
Sunday...My One Day Off
And I have to head back to Boston. It shouldn't be too bad, traffic wise and yesterday's snow storm has gone. I'm sure the roads will be fine. I'll just be happy not to have to do that drive again for a while. Tomorrow school will be back in session and life will be back to normal.

My father in law is back in the hospital. He spent nearly a month in the hospital after having surgery to remove some of his colon due to cancer. He was home less than a week and now he's back in. So any thoughts and prayers sent his way would be appreciated. Thanks!

Have you checked out my new
It's not close to being done but I have a guestbook. Leave a message and let me know that you've been there.

I'm in the mood to write! I've got my sequel to Sweet Forever on my mind, but first I have to do my editing like a good doobee so I can get Dreamer's Sea out there for all to see.

Still, I have to post my Daily Inspiration. It's not necessarily the video but the song that is the theme song for my heroine to the SF sequel. Here's looking at you, Jaycie!

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posted by Ceri Hebert @ 4:39 AM   1 comments
Saturday, March 1, 2008
AND THE WINNER IS..............
CONGRATULATIONS TO DENA!! The winner of a signed copy of Sweet Forever!

And thank you to everyone who stopped by and played the game. It was a lot of fun and I'm glad everyone enjoyed the excerpts. There'll be another contest in late May when my book Where One Road Leads comes out in print.

In other news..... its snowing. Again. We're supposed to get 5-10 inches. Joy. I'm dreading the spring when all this snow melts. Last year we had some big time flooding. Looks like that'll be a possibility for this year as well. At least tomorrow looks good for our trip to Boston. My DH thinks it's an adventure. Yeah, right. And my oldest, Paige is off to the New Hampshire Special Olympics Winter Games. GO PAIGE! She's a snowshoer.

Been working hard on edits for Dreamer's Sea. I'm so looking forward to submitting it somewhere. And I'm itching to continue Where I'll Stay, which is the sequel to Sweet Forever. I'm definitely ready to quit my day job in favor of writing all day.

My arm has been feeling much much better though I've been using a heating pad a lot. Thanks to everyone for your concern.

And big news!! I have a new website!!! I just signed up yesterday for a real honest to Gosh site of my own. It's under construction right now so its kind of bare, but go check it out at

Okay, off I go. Must make breakfast. I have a full day of work ahead of me.

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posted by Ceri Hebert @ 2:06 AM   3 comments
The WeatherPixie

The Legacy:


THAT KIND OF MAGIC--AVAILABLE NOVEMBER 17,2010 What's a witch to do when she refuses to use magic to find love? Beautiful Wiccan Charlotte Noone has a shop for magical supplies and a goddess who's pushing her to find the man of her dreams. When Patrick Riordan, a straight-laced non-believer enters her life, Charlotte falls madly in lust with him. Despite their very different lives, neither can stop the erotic journey they’ve embarked on, but will it be enough to break through their barriers so they can accept that love itself is magical?. .
about me
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Location: Southwestern, New Hampshire, United States

I'm 44 year old mom of 3. I work as a customer service rep for a publishing company, and I write. I have five published novels and working on adding to that.

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